How is Grammarly plagiarism check compared to Turnitin?


Grammarly and Turnitin are two unique platforms hence their functioning is different. Grammarly is 360 degrees analytic software that also performs proofreading, spelling and grammar correction. Turnitin is a globally acknowledged platform for checking plagiarism. Its license sharing has a limitation to educational institutes only.

Both Grammarly and Turnitin are useful f platforms for students and authors. Both will provide unique contents without typographical and grammar mistakes, but Turnitin can give a similarity index that is more accurate.

Scope and Turnitin are reliable at checking the text on all kinds of work for various grammatical mistakes. However, the different functioning of the tools makes it wise to determine the software that best custom essay writing services serves your interest.  Both will, however, help to create error-free content which is necessary because the text will always have typo mistakes when typing mistakes.  Any of these tools can help you to generate text without spelling errors.


Turnitin and Grammarly have grammar, plagiarism and spelling check.  Both tools serve the above similar, but Grammarly has the same features in a single platform. Turnitin uses them for different purposes through iThenticate and WriteCheck.


Using Grammarly and Turnitin is simple. Users do not need to have prior experience, and anyone can start using one of the tools after signing up for the account.


Grammarly offers users free and paid accounts, but Turnitin is a premium tool thus not available for free checking.

 Here is the Grammarly account price plan.

  • Monthly plan -$29.95
  • Quarterly plan -$19.98 per month but billed as one payment of $59.95
  • Annual plan-$139.75 billed as a onetime payment
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You will save a lot of money by choosing the annual plan especially if it that time when a discount offer is in place.

Turnitin Payment Packages

Single paper-$7.95

  • 1 Paper credit (5000 WORDS PER CREDIT)
  • 3 Resubmissions

Semester plan-19.95

  • 3 paper credits (5000 words per credit)
  • 2 resubmissions per document

Graduate plan-39.95

  • 5 Paper credits (5000 words per credit)
  • 3 resubmissions per credit

The people choosing a cheaper option would opt for It has more affordable price plan and does not limit the number of papers or words that someone can check. It also provides an option to use a free program which functions well but does not offer a complete check like the premium version. Smart networker The benefits of the Grammarly Premium due to a thorough examination including plagiarism makes it worth an upgrade and it will not be that expensive.

 Turnitin is costly and still has a charge per paper. On the other hand, Turnitin might be expensive and less convenient, but it will perform a more in-depth check and generate more accurate results.


 Both tools have their pros and cons hence the best choice for writers of academic or professional work should weigh their options and choose the one that fits their needs. Someone who wants a checker for many users will get a better deal from Turnitin as it is for use by an institution.  Grammarly suits those who for organizing and checking person work without regulations.